Create personal sales follow-ups in seconds
Share content, present your team and impress with an unique buying experience. All in one place.
Trusted by 100+ Teams
Stop adding numerous attachments to your follow-up mails. Create one link to deliver all your content.
Share all your sales content in one place
Whether whitepapers, slides, videos or links.
Share all your sales follow-up content with just a single link.
Stand out with your Team
Introduce your project team and convince them right from the start. Because it is your competence that your customer wants.
„Sharing the sales follow-up with haeppie is a real time saver. With pre builded space templates I only need 30 seconds to create a follow-up space and the customer has everything in one place. I love it and our customers love it.“
Carmen Belasus | Head of Sales
Cloudbridge Consulting GmbH
Use Space Templates and safe a lot of time
Start from individual templates and create personalised follow-ups with a few clicks
See what your customers are really engange with
View detailed insights into content activities and identify who is involved in the process.
Create a unique sales experience for your customers
No registration for your customers needed
Shared with a single link
Show what comes next
Reach all decision-makers in one place
Create follow-ups.
Wherever you are.
Share content from all your tools
Share content with your customers from all your sales tools easily inside the Space. Nothing gets lost anymore
Keep your CRM up to date
Synchronize the Spaces with your CRM pipeline. This way you always have an overview of all news and data of your deals.
And there is even more.
Perfectly designed for new Sales.
Work with your team
Work with your colleagues on the deal and save time for internal coordination.
Manage your favourites
Pin your hot deals to the top and always get quick access to the space
Show step by step what is important
Start your sales follow up and expand the space during the sales process
Stay up to date
Receive notifications when your customers view the sales follow-up or leave a comment.
Share your discovery results
Record the results of the discovery in space and show your clients what you have understood.
Show who is responsible
Make it clear to your client who their contact person is in the process.
Get your personal Demo
Book your individual demo. We show you in 15 minutes how to inspire your customers with haeppie.
Inspire your customers
✓ Individual Sales Spaces for your customers
✓ Setup in under 60 seconds